TED Talk
For updates, please follow me on Instagram:
Extended Nature at new museum by Junya Ishigami at Bailuwan Town (CH), from October 2022 onwards
TedX Talk, Den Helder (NL), October 2022
Wither at Barbican Centre London (UK), May 2022
Flow, permanent installation at Groote Museumt (NL), May 2022
Plant Intelligence, permanent installation at Groote Museum (NL), May 2022
Voice of Nature at Museum Arnhem (NL), May 2022
We Harvest Wind at Design Museum Gent (BE), April 2022
Current exhibitions
Pee Privacy at ARCAM, March 2022
Econtinuum at NXT museum Amsterdam (NL)
Wither at Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Children’s Biennale at the Japanese Pavilion (DE) 18 Sep 2021 - Feb 2022
Wither at IUCN World Conservation Congress as part of the exhibition Biocenosis21 in collaboration with Unesco x LVMH (FR)
We Harvest wind Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (NL), October 2021 in collab with Polestar
Wither at RE-Nature in Den Bosch (NL), 8 - 31 October 2021
Talk at DDW 22 Okt.
Feature in NRC Newspaper (pdf)
Econtinuum at NXT museum Amsterdam (NL)
Wither at Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Children’s Biennale at the Japanese Pavilion (DE) 18 Sep 2021 - Feb 2022
Shaded Seas Touring Ireland (IR)
Interview Lampoon Magazine with Risto Linturi.
Nomination Dutch Design Awards 2020, category Service & Systems.
Shortlist Lumenprize 2020
Nomination Science breakthrough, falling walls 2020 , science and arts
Talk at Epson Future of Night Culture in China
Science Gallery Dublin online Studio visit
Cadaf 2020 speaker
Talk at Davos World Economic Forum at BlockBase, January 2020
TEDMED speaker, Boston (USA), 3 March 2020
Dark Distortions at Science Gallery Dublin (IR)
Vice Creative Fridays speaker
Symbiosia at Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain Paris (FR) part of the exhibition ‘Trees’ 12 Jul 2019 - 5 Jan 2020
Voice of Nature at New Technological Art Award (BE) 4 - 24 Nov 2019
Keynote speaker Festival Della Scienza, Genova (Italy)
TEDxAmsterdam Speaker, 12 Nov
Guest lecturer at Willem de Kooning Academy
Voice of Nature : Ars Electronics 2019- Starts prize
Voice of Nature - Berkeley University (US)
Wither at Paris Fashion week in collaboration with Daily Paper (FR)
Pollutive Ends at Beijing Riverside Museum (CH)
Plastic Reflectic at Scientific Centre Kuwait (KW)
Keynote speaker - Sustainable Brands, Copenhagen
Art Room Gallery- First place exhibition (US)
Volverium at Paris Fashion week in collaboration with Daily Paper
Plastic Reflectic at Todays Art Museum, Beijing ( CN)
Award - Winner Lumenprize 2017 gold, Plastic Reflectic
Panel - What Design Can Do (NL), Circular economy brand design
Keynote Speaker - Israel Innovation Week
Keynote speaker The next web - Provoking thought
SXSW Festival – Plastic Reflectic, Austin Texas, US
Fluid Matters – Plastic Reflectic, MU artspace, Eindhoven, NL
Tutor Position - Art & Ethics, Delft Technical University
Artist in Residence - Delft Technical University
Keynote speaker - The Next Web and conference
Plastic Reflectic at International Festival Of Technology (NL)
Clavilux Neue at International Festival Of Technology (NL)
Volverium at International Festival Of Technology (NL)
Keynote speaker Kyoorius Design Yatra (India )
Mind Over Matter, NewWerktheater, Amsterdam, NL
Volverium at Dutch Design Week 2018 (NL)
Keynote speaker at playgrounds (NL)
Voice of Nature at Light Up Bashu, Chengdu (CH)
Artist in Residence - Delft Technical University
Keynote speaker - Dare Conference
Plastic Reflectic at Mu Gallery (NL),
Creative Press Challenge Briefing , Amsterdam, NL
Line of Thought at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (NL),
Down the Rabbithole exhibition
Award - Winner Grand Prix Down the Rabbit Hole Festival (NL)
Advertiser summit - DPG media.
Jury Adcn Craft
Biersteker’s work has been widely published, including features in The Guardian, Wired, Le Monde, China Daily, Fast Company, VICE, Architectural Digest, A+U, Dezeen & Domus.
A selection of publications:
Corriere Della Sera- July 2019
‘Dazzling dark matter display previews online.’
European Space Agency (ESA)
‘Another gem is a collaboration by botanist Stefano Mancuso and artist Thijs Biersteker in the gallery’s garden.’
New Scientist
‘Biersteker underlined how the dialogue between art and science can become fluid and immediate.’
Art Tribune
’Thijs Biersteker, in collaboration with botanist Stefano Mancuso, offers a salve, wiring two trees in the Fondation’s extensive garden to scientific visualisations to help us empathise with what trees are sensing in real time.’
Financial Times
‘Technisch grensverleggend is Symbiosia dat de Nederlander Thijs Biersteker maakte samen met de bekende Italiaanse plantenonderzoeker Stefano Mancuso.’
NRC Handelsblad
‘Digital artwork called Symbiosia depicts effect of climate change on trees in Paris’
‘Dutch artist Thijs Biersteker worked with design studio Moore to create The Cover That Judges You.’
‘It is an impressive showcase of the tree’s sensitivity and indicative of the environmental impact on the trees surrounding us.’
‘Thijs Biersteker's Plastic Reflectic installation provokes a conscious response’
’Take a (careful) look at the facial-recognition book cover that won’t open if you’re sporting a judgmental expression’
The Guardian
‘The punching bag was created to give people an active way to help at a time when it’s common to feel helpless.’
’Thijs Biersteker is many “things.” A visionary, certainly, and, just as certainly, a great artist and an (interactive) designer. But he is also a poet. And, without a shadow of doubt, a modern warrior. ‘
Salone del Mobile
’Dutch Artist Thijs Biersteker Gives Trees a Voice—in Lights’
Dutch Design Daily
’Ecologia e big data. Intervista all’eco-artista Thijs Biersteker’
Art Tribune
’This artwork lets trees tell the story of climate change.’
Next Nature Network
’This Tree Produces Psychedelic Art By Using Sensors to Monitor Its Own Health’
Vice - Voice of nature
’Thijs Biersteker creëert interactieve installaties, producten en diensten die mensen laten glimlachen en nadenken.’
’Voice of Nature’
Starts Prize - Ars Electronica
Unique Creta - Symbiosia
‘The ocean is filled with plastic. And maybe you are, too.’
‘“Plastic Reflectic” draws attention to environmental issues and the direct impact our actions have.’
‘Dutch artist Thijs Biersteker’s kinetic installation puts the “I” in plastic pollution.’
‘Plastic Reflectic’ Gold Award
Lumenprize for digital art
‘Their movement at this moment can influence the ever growing plastic problem later.’
Digital Ambiance
‘Artwork built from ocean plastic sends a powerful message about how it enters the food chain.’
‘Thijs Biersteker, helps participants think of ocean waste as a universal issue.’
’Plastic Reflectic’
Ur designmag